How to Recognize Damaged Hair

By contrast, our cashier was a middle-aged woman whose hair was cut to shoulder length, had obviously been colored and permed, and was frizzy and dry-looking. I always hate to be truly negative about other people's appearance, but her hair looked like the classic 'bird's nest". This was a woman with damaged hair, and she obviously hadn't a clue about it.
That got me wondering how it was possible for these two people to be so unaware of what it meant to have damaged hair. Had no one ever taught them the signs? Well, here are some of the signs of hair damage and ways to treat them effectively.
Rough Texture
Overly Porous
Dry and Brittle to the Touch
No Elasticity/Susceptible to Breakage
Becomes Spongy and Matted when Wet
Color Fades or Absorbs too Rapidly
The most readily visible signs of damaged hair - rough texture, over-porosity, dryness, and brittleness - are generally caused by damage to and over extension of the cuticle layer of the hair shaft. This can come from blow-drying, wind, harsh shampoos and chemical treatments, as well as other heat-styling methods and environmental influences. By using conditioners that are pH balanced, protein enriched, and moisture restoring, you can smooth the cuticle layer and protect the hair shaft from further damage. When hair is damaged it's important to use a good, moisture-rich conditioning treatment every week until it shows improvement, and to use a light spray-on, leave-in conditioner daily during styling.
The problem of elasticity loss, susceptibility to breakage, can sometimes be hard to diagnose. Healthy hair can stretch up to 150% of is normal length - without breaking - and return to its original state. Unless your hair shows lots of broken ends and significantly shorter hairs than you noted before, you may not be aware that there is a real problem. The best clue to poor elasticity could be sitting in your hairbrush. Do you have a lot of hair caught in your hairbrush? Do you have to clean your brush often because of built-up hair in the bristles? Unless you can tell that these hairs are all full- length and coming out at the root (in which case there may be other problems to be dealt with) you can be reasonably sure that you have a problem with hair breakage. The best treatment in this case is a protein rich conditioner, and/or weekly protein treatment, which will add strength to the hair shaft.
Issues with color absorption and retention, and sponginess and matting when wet, are also porosity issues, but on a more severe level. These levels of damage require very intensive treatment and constant care in processing and styling. Some people with this level of damage to their hair find it easier to cut off the damaged hair and start fresh. However, this may not be an option, so its best if you take care of your hair before it becomes so damaged.
The most important thing to remember is that your hair is NOT alive once it emerges from the scalp. Like the free edge (white part) of your fingernails, the hair is dead tissue. Because of this, don't be tricked into believing promises made by products to heal or cure your hair damage. The conditioning treatments and products available today can help protect the hair, and can lessen some damage, but the best way to have healthy hair is always prevention.
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