How To Remove Hair Color At Home?

How many times has this happened to you? You go to a salon and ask for one colour but end up with a completely different colour. You repeat the process again but the colour is just not what you wanted. You just don’t trust the stylist to do it right anymore.
This might have been a big problem before but not anymore, thanks to hair colour removers. Yup! You can now remove unwanted color from your hair all by yourself at home.
Even before you begin, make sure you have the gloves on that are provided in the kit!Step 1:

Mix the removing agent and the developer in the bottle given in the kit. This bottle comes with a nozzle and makes the application easy, so it is advisable to use it.
Step 2:

Separate hair into small sections and start applying the solution to the roots of the hair.
Step 3:

Allow it to rest for the time period mentioned on the box or for 20 minutes otherwise.
Step 4:

Shampoo and rinse as many times as mentioned on the box.
And voila! That color that really bugged you….is gone for good!